Blog / Connect More! - Let's try again, isn't that what Love is?

Connect More! - Let's try again, isn't that what Love is?

28.02.2024 | iDare

As we traverse through life in various capacities of a mother, teacher, boyfriend or just a “liver” as Orry would put it; we may tend to put off on trying to accept our idiosyncratic roots on the journey. What this means is that, as we go through different parts and phases of life, one can’t help but be engrossed in the inferences we make from the outcomes of certain projects, praises and even silences. And in those moments, we may tend to be hard on ourselves, or even others for the same inferences made.  
In order to be with someone, in whatsoever capacity, it is crucial we know at least a bit in how we are, when we are on our own. This can look like having awareness around why silences may seem ‘awkward’ and needed to be filled immediately, why planning things beforehand seems more relaxing even if for others it may seem taxing and lastly, why despite our differences we need people around us to realize the importance of why we are called ‘social beings’.  
This week let’s explore TRYING 
Growing up, we may not have had healthy models of relationship (friends, family and others). But we must remember that it is not about being the “best” or having “perfect” standards. It is about our ability to love, be loved, hurt and allow for a healing to take place that is only going to deepen our connection with others and ourselves.  

Have you felt a rupture in your bond/relationship with a close one?  
What are your thoughts about this rupture?  
Can we use this opportunity of the rupture to explore the bond further rather than being quick to end things completely or blame anyone?  
When we say “I needed you the most in my lowest”- Would it be possible to allow for this to take place by actively communicating the same healthily? Non-verbal communication/ silent treatments only create doubts and distance which have the tendency to only cause more harm. 
Love is unconditional, it is not about being perfect, achieving something or changing yourself drastically. Can we try to shift our focus from setting ourselves free from our-own imposed expectations and limitations and nurture a compassionate relationship with ourselves? This would help you to connect better with others too. 

We hope that in these series of articles that we post regularly, you can use the following questions/points as guidelines for you to delve deeper into understanding your roots, your philosophy of life, your motivations and your gifts which could be unfortunately dismissed as ‘being too much’ where as in fact it is this very thing that is much needed in our world right now.  
If you or somebody you know needs any help to understand mental health in depth or is stressed with issues related to mental health, consider reaching our ‘Support’ and ‘Engage’ verticals for affordable and inclusive help!    
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