Blog / Psychological flexibility - Therapist speak on a skill for the future

Psychological flexibility - Therapist speak on a skill for the future

29.07.2024 | Radha Kesavaram

A sudden challenge at work. Changes seeping into your relationships. Feelings, seemingly new, that come up from nowhere, making you wonder do I know myself enough anymore?! 
How does one stay intact and even emerge successfully in the face of change?  
Is there a failure-proof plan we could adopt, when these sudden curveballs threaten to render us helpless, with no room perhaps for hope? 
This Article hopes to shed light on insights that I have seen as a Therapist, benefitting numerous Clients’ lives, as they wrangle with change disguised as challenges! 
Also, introducing focus on a skill that is inherent to success in navigating change, but hasn’t perhaps received sufficient limelight so far! 
- Psychological flexibility 
Birth of a skill 
As they say, Necessity is the mother of Invention! 
Change often calls for resources and skills that you have perhaps never harnessed before! 
Psychological flexibility, in simple terms, means one’s ability to adapt to a variety of different situational demands when doing so is useful for living a meaningful life 
Here are a few pointers that can come in handy, in building this invaluable skill, when confronted with change that often knocks you off your feet 

When fear compels you to question your ability to succeed, to conclude that the only way is out, a useful question to ask yourself can be, What change does this call for within myself so I can address this in the best possible way? 


Am I only thinking of the worst possible scenario(s)? 

Are there options that I am not considering still? 

How does success in this venture look like for me? 

Are there others’ goals, feelings, opinions that I need to take into consideration too, while defining success? 

Are there people and resources that I can rally by my side so I can have a better chance at success? 

Braving the Uncertain 
An important element of psychological flexibility, is learning to embrace uncertainty 
Change often involves an uncertain path ahead, with perhaps lesser predictability around the route to be taken and the outcomes. Here are insights that can help in embracing uncertainty: 

What do I fear losing the most in embracing change? 

What is a likely outcome that I’m struggling to come to terms with? 

Are there limiting beliefs that are holding me back? 

Are there expectations or standards that I’m holding myself up against, that are unrealistic and unreasonable to fulfil? 

Striking the balance 
Psychological flexibility does not mean compromising on one’s values and merely succumbing to the demands of others 
Instead, this involves taking an honest look at the following: 

Your own values, standards, expectations that have served you well, that you’d like to retain going forward 

Discarding ones that are no longer relevant or essential  

Considering new goals, outcomes, and aspirations that you wish to set for yourself going forward 

New beliefs and perspectives towards life and things you can build and maintain so you can achieve these goals and outcomes 

There is value in knowing what makes up your core values as an individual and also adding on a key strength of willingness to learn and adapt as you go along! 
Spoiler Alert 
Emotions such as fear and anxiety often tend to spiral up in the face of change, making psychological flexibility a hard ask! 
Recognizing the adaptive roles they play in our existence and functioning as humans, can help us accommodate their presence even in the best of situations! 
The following guidelines can come in handy while dealing with these challenging emotions: 

Recognizing that the goal need not be an anxiety-free or fearless existence 

Being skillful in psychological flexibility need not necessarily mean getting rid of fear, self-doubt, and anxiety 

That the familiar can feel safer even when it has not been serving you well enough & change, even if it’s useful and beneficial, can look intimidating in the face of it 

That courage does not imply the absence of fear, but the recognition that something is more important that warrants your commitment, in spite of fear! 

Let me conclude… 
Like any skill, psychological flexibility too requires practice  
And patience, for, you will eventually master this too, after all! 
Most important of all 
Remember you’re not alone in this journey 
There are trusted resources and experts plenty to help you in times of need! 
Cheers, mate! 
You got this. 
If you or somebody you know is going through something difficult and needs to get in touch with a therapist, consider reaching our ‘Support’ and ‘Engage’ verticals for affordable and inclusive help!    
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Image Credits: Unsplash

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