Blog / Therapist Speaks - Lack Motivation? Here’s Where You Can Begin!

Therapist Speaks - Lack Motivation? Here’s Where You Can Begin!

28.02.2024 | Radha Kesavaram

Feeling like fatigue is hitting you like a ton of bricks?  
We've all been there.  
The daily grind can take a toll on us, leaving us exhausted and unmotivated. But fear not! There are steps you can take to overcome fatigue and reignite your motivation. In this article, we'll explore practical strategies to help you on your journey of self-discovery and revitalization. 
Take a Step Back to Assess the Situation: 
Before diving into action, it's important to pause and reflect. Take a few moments to rest and evaluate your current situation. Consider the factors contributing to your fatigue and lack of motivation. Is it physical exhaustion, emotional fatigue from recent experiences, or the weight of numerous responsibilities? You'll be better equipped to address these factors by effectively gaining a comprehensive view of them. 
Listening to Your Body: 
Start by paying attention to your body and posture. Are your shoulders tense? Can you consciously relax your arm, forehead, stomach, and leg muscles more? By consciously allowing your muscles to relax, you can alleviate the physical burden and release built-up tension, reinvigorating yourself. Give your body the care it needs. 
Addressing Anxiety and Worry: 
Increased stress and anxiety can drain our energy and dampen motivation. Please take a moment to identify the sources of your anxiety and make a note of them. Then, consider the small steps you can take to address each concern. Remember, there are factors beyond your control that you can choose not to worry about. Don't hesitate to reach out to others for support when needed. 
Reclaim Your Power by Recognizing Wins: 
Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook our accomplishments and strengths. Take a moment to celebrate your hard work and perseverance. Shift your focus to the big picture and acknowledge your journey's positive aspects. Recognizing your wins will reignite your motivation and provide a fresh perspective, helping you move forward. 
Practices to Maintain Momentum: 
To keep going strong, integrate simple yet effective changes into your daily routine. Prioritize self-care by scheduling periodic breaks and setting aside dedicated time for rest and recreation. Practice breathing techniques like Box Breathing during overwhelming moments to bring mental clarity. Make time for loved ones, pursue hobbies and interests, and embrace positive emotions. These practices will enhance your ability to control your circumstances and challenges while building resilience. 
Remember, the weariness you feel is temporary and can be overcome promptly. By following these practical techniques, you can reclaim your energy and forge ahead. Embrace the opportunity to rejuvenate and rediscover the joy in each day. Take control of your fatigue and let motivation guide you towards a revitalized self. 
This article represents the author’s personal views and experiences. iDare doesn’t endorse or take responsibility for the opinions expressed.  
To learn ways of coping with the lack of motivation, reach our experts via the ‘Support’ and ‘Engage’ verticals for affordable and inclusive help!   
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 Image Credits - Unsplash   

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