Blog / Collateral Beauty Therapist speak on the promise that today brings

Collateral Beauty Therapist speak on the promise that today brings

07.01.2025 | Radha Kesavaram

The daily grind. The endless stream of struggles that we see ourselves coursing through as life happens. 
And we reach a point of finding ourselves wondering…what’s the point of even trying? Is there any hope after all? Does my life matter anymore? 
In this Article, I hope to share insights that can help us navigate these periods of low; remind ourselves of the fact that our lives matter; the journey matters; there are things worth celebrating and that it’s worth giving it a shot! 
Journey so far... 
School. College. Hunt for the job. Relationships. And we find ourselves in the position where we’re today. Through the course of all this, have we ever gotten a chance to pause, take some time to reflect on ourselves, how the journey has been so far, the impact that it has left us with 
Dreams and aspirations that we somehow lost sight of, in the midst of our daily struggles. Concerns that have been weighing us down so much, leaving no room for simple moments of joy, and thriving has started to feel like a distant dream, almost impossible… 
What is the narrative all about? 
How has life been so far?! Has it only been about pain and hurt and struggle and trauma? 
Or have there been brief moments of respite as well. Tiny moments of clarity. Fleeting perhaps, where we found ourselves learning something new…about ourselves, about life, about relationships. What can truly fulfil us. Pursuits. Work. Interests. What we wish to stand for and strive towards. Despite the noise. Outside and within 
Collateral Beauty 
Tracing back to where it all began to up until now, through the course of life’s tinkering, may I invite you to see learnings and revelations that happened within you, seemingly random and varied in nature. Orchestrating themselves, each with their own timing and pace, slowly molding you towards what you were capable of becoming… 
Each moment guiding you gently towards who you want to be. Truly. Authentically. And what you really wish your life could be all about 
Here are a few questions to ponder:  

Have there been instances where ‘problems’ turned out to be opportunities in disguise, because of invaluable learnings that happened, insights into what you truly need, deeper connections with yourself and those who truly care 

Have there been ‘failed’ attempts which in hindsight, now seem to be natural and necessary pitstops on your path of figuring out what really works for you   

Relationships, tried and tested, that slowly gave you clarity of the kind of people who can make up your tribe, including ‘the one’ 

Yet, there are these Fears… 
What about the uncertainty that still looms ahead? What about the memories, incidents of the past that still cast a shadow? What about the ‘mistakes’ and blunders that I have committed so far? And often the biggest fear of all – even if pick myself up and move forward, what if I fail?  
It can be helpful to recognize that fear and anxiety are going to play their roles, even in the best of situations…That courage need not be the absence of fear. Courage can be the recognition that I need to commit to this, I see value in the journey AND the destination, in spite of fear 
Promise of Today 
Balance sheet of Life 
Struggles. Failed Attempts. Moments spent in grief, guilt and shame. Fear and Anxiety, walking hand-in-hand, overpowering every attempt to stay positive, to keep the hope alive 
Learnings. Better choices. Staying on track despite the noise within and outside. Kindness of strangers. Words that lifted you up. Books. Movies. Song lyrics. Social Media Stories. Role models who walk the path and show you the way  
The person you are today. Sum total of all that chiseling and tinkering of life experiences. Maybe still clueless about things and what lies ahead; little rough on the edges?! Scarred and wounded… Wiser, nonetheless. Hopes, wishes, dreams. Lingering still within, feeble in their voices, but perhaps here to stay. You know this because they refuse to abandon you! Despite the million setbacks 
Here are a few actionable insights that can help: 

How would it look if you stopped punishing yourself for those choices that make you cringe to date; instead recognize them as stumblings and pitstops on your way up the mountain? 

How would it look if you allowed yourself to pause and savor moments of the journey? 

How would it look if you started trusting the silent clues within, of the kind of relationships you truly need, the kind of job that can further your growth, areas in your life that seek your attention, that have scope for change 

Let me conclude with this… 
Yes, there are miles to go 
Yes, it is tempting to give up and retreat 
My pal, may I invite your attention to what you have built so far too 
You survived the dark  
Yes, there are wounds to tend to 
And things you have leaned on that don’t serve you well 
But is this all there is? 
You. Scarred perhaps in places. Yet, you are here today 
Beautifully, authentically, You. 
What if it turned out better than you ever imagined? 
And you are not alone.  
You need not be. 
Cheers, mate! You got this. 
If you or somebody you know is struggling with something difficult and needs to get in touch with a therapist, consider reaching our ‘Support’ and ‘Engage’ verticals for affordable and inclusive help!      
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Image Credits: Unsplash

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